Perayaan Natal / Celebrating Christmas

pohon-natal Christmas Tree

These are my thoughts on the criticisms of celebrating Christmas

Source :  Victor Emmanuel

Here is an interesting exercise, list all the rules Jesus gave his followers. You’ll find very few. I am sure you can agree Jesus gave no instruction for exploring space, none for heart surgery and never told anyone how to build a church building (architecture), neither did he say “don’t do those things”.

Jesus never said “don’t celebrate my birth” and he never said “do”. No where in the collective works found in the modern bible does it say “don’t” or “do”.

If another religion celebrates an event on one day must I celebrate on another ? What would happen if the pagans celebrate on all days, where would be a time for celebrating something else ?

The argument “because it was pagan” is weak. Much of our culture, language and behaviors can be traced back to “pagans” and “barbarians” yet we don’t throw them out. We use pagan months in our calendar, the stars are named after pagan gods. So If I don’t worship the stars or the months or the gods of old or celebrate who the pagans did – how is it I am celebrating a pagan holiday ?

Trappings is also a weak argument, it shows me that those who thought of it are put off by comparisons. Yup, there are lots of celebrations in historic and modern religions of renewal and rebirth, the birth of a special god and the creation recycled but that does not mean Jesus was not born, and it does not mean we should not celebrate his birth; it only means there are lots of other uses for December 25th. What would happen if I told your boss at work, you practice pagan rituals in your office during work hours ? Oh yes “tapping”, “chanting”, “reciting the names of the gods”; yet you don’t do this as a pagan celebration, you call it typing, memorizing things, and reading a calendar.

Okay I admit, Jesus was likely NOT born on December 25th, the biographers of the day record “shepherds being in the field” and December is too cold for that, so since we celebrate “as often as we do theses things”  atonement / Eucharist / communion, which proves you can celebrate something; why cant we celebrate anything we want, whenever we want – make up celebrations we feel good about and worship God with freedom and freedom of criticism and condemnation ? Did not the Father celebrate the return of his lost son ? The widow the lost coin ? Luke 15.

Jesus used these words: “Everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin. The slave does not have a permanent place in the household; the Son has a place there forever. So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:34-36)

It is not harder then that unless one makes it so.

I will celebrate Jesus birth, I love the idea, and the season. Thank God for it.

Baca juga :  Kelahiran Jesus

~ by murid Jesus Christ on December 23, 2008.

3 Responses to “Perayaan Natal / Celebrating Christmas”

  1. Mangucapkan Selamat Natal dan Tahun Baru


  2. @Bulir Sesawi;Thank.s
    Selamat Natal dan Selamat Tahun Baru !


  3. Here is an interesting exercise, list all the rules Jesus gave his followers. You’ll find very few. I am sure you can agree Jesus gave no instruction for exploring space, none for heart surgery and never told anyone how to build a church building (architecture), neither did he say “don’t do those things”.

    Jesus never said “don’t celebrate my birth” and he never said “do”. No where in the collective works found in the modern bible does it say “don’t” or “do”. If another religion celebrates an event on one day must I celebrate on another ? What would happen if the pagans celebrate on all days, where would be a time for celebrating something else ?


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